Wednesday, 9 March 2016

How we can increase the Magento performance

We can increase the Magento Performance, follow by following steps:

  1. Disable the Magento log
  2. Disable un-used modules
  3. Enable Magento Caching
  4. Enable Gzip compression
  5. Optimize your image
  6. Optimize your Server
  7. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  8. USE Gzip Components
  9. Put Stylesheets at the Top (CSS Files in head tag)
  10. Put Scripts at the Bottom (Js files in footer)
  11. Avoid CSS Expressions (e.g 100/2)

What are the different features of Magento

  1. User Management
  2. Customer Management
  3. Product Management
  4. Order Management
  5. Payment Management
  6. Site Management
  7. Search engine optimization
  8. International Support

How to change the theme for logged user in Magento

If you want to change Magento Theme for which user is login. Then you can use following code:




