PHP, Magento, Codigniter, Opencart and Wordpress Developer. Contact for school and college projects on PHP, Codiegniter, Wordpress, Mysql etc.
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Thursday, 25 December 2014
"There has been an error processing your request" error in Magento
When I logged
in to the admin panel or open base url of magento site ( or I got this wierd looking page on my screen.
I googled this "There has been an error processing your request" and found the solution as follows-
1. Open Magento root directory and create tmp folder.
2. Set directory permissions to 777 or 755
3. Open "lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php"
4. locate the following code:
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => null,
and replace with
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => 'tmp',
Best Wishes!!!
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Magento: Delete All Products Using PhpMyAdmin
Copy and Paste following code in phpmyadmin under sql tab and run it:
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_bundle_option';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_bundle_option_value';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_bundle_selection';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_datetime';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_decimal';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_gallery';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_int';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_media_gallery';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_text';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_tier_price';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity_varchar';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link_attribute';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link_attribute_decimal';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link_attribute_int';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link_attribute_varchar';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_link_type';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option_price';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option_title';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option_type_price';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option_type_title';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_option_type_value';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_super_attribute_label';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_super_attribute_pricing';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_super_attribute';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_super_link';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_enabled_index';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_website';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_category_product_index';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_category_product';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'cataloginventory_stock_item';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'cataloginventory_stock_status';
TRUNCATE TABLE 'cataloginventory_stock';
INSERT INTO 'catalog_product_link_type'('link_type_id','code') VALUES (1,'relation'),(2,'bundle'),(3,'super'),(4,'up_sell'),(5,'cross_sell');
INSERT INTO 'catalog_product_link_attribute'('product_link_attribute_id','link_type_id','product_link_attribute_code','data_type') VALUES (1,2,'qty','decimal'),(2,1,'position','int'),(3,4,'position','int'),(4,5,'position','int'),(6,1,'qty','decimal'),(7,3,'position','int'),(8,3,'qty','decimal');
INSERT INTO 'cataloginventory_stock'('stock_id','stock_name') VALUES (1,'Default');
TRUNCATE TABLE 'catalog_product_entity';
Friday, 19 December 2014
Magento : Delete all Products of Particular category id
Create one file and paste following code:
require_once ("app/Mage.php");
$category_id = your_cat_id;
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach($products as $product){
$categories = $product->getCategoryIds();
if(in_array($category_id, $categories)) {
$product_load = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product')->load($product->getId());
Mage::dispatchEvent('catalog_controller_product_delete', array('product' => $product_load));
And upload file on root of server and run as:
require_once ("app/Mage.php");
$category_id = your_cat_id;
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach($products as $product){
$categories = $product->getCategoryIds();
if(in_array($category_id, $categories)) {
$product_load = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product')->load($product->getId());
Mage::dispatchEvent('catalog_controller_product_delete', array('product' => $product_load));
And upload file on root of server and run as:
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Import csv file with multiple images in magento
First make a copy of
and add the following code after line 778:
$x = explode(',', $importData['media_gallery']);
foreach ($x as $file) {
$imagesToAdd[] = array('file' => trim($file));
$imagesToAdd, Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import',
Now file look like following:
773 $addedFilesCorrespondence = $mediaGalleryBackendModel->addImagesWithDifferentMediaAttributes(
774 $product,
775 $arrayToMassAdd, Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import',
776 false,
777 false
778 );
779 if (isset($importData['media_gallery']) && !empty($importData['media_gallery'])) {
780 $x = explode(',', $importData['media_gallery']);
781 foreach ($x as $file) {
782 $imagesToAdd[] = array('file' => trim($file));
783 }
784 $mediaGalleryBackendModel->addImagesWithDifferentMediaAttributes(
785 $product,
786 $imagesToAdd, Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import',
787 false,
788 false
789 );
790 }
Now add a column *media_gallery* in your CSV file, and put your other images in /media/import also.
Add images as following:
/second_image.png, /third_image.png, /fourth_image.png
774 $product,
775 $arrayToMassAdd, Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import',
776 false,
777 false
778 );
779 if (isset($importData['media_gallery']) && !empty($importData['media_gallery'])) {
780 $x = explode(',', $importData['media_gallery']);
781 foreach ($x as $file) {
782 $imagesToAdd[] = array('file' => trim($file));
783 }
784 $mediaGalleryBackendModel->addImagesWithDifferentMediaAttributes(
785 $product,
786 $imagesToAdd, Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import',
787 false,
788 false
789 );
790 }
Now add a column *media_gallery* in your CSV file, and put your other images in /media/import also.
Add images as following:
/second_image.png, /third_image.png, /fourth_image.png
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Get any product attribute value in magento
Get any product attribute value in magento. Change 'custom_attribute' from your attribute code.
<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getData('custom_attribute')); ?>
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Magento Get Dropdown Attribute value
The attribute code is supposed to be 'my_custom_attribute'
$attributeValue = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
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